This effort is sponsored by the Cameron Arnold Judicial Reform Initiative, a special project of Rescue the Perishing. To get your copy of our recent flier on the financial waste and hypocrisy of the Iowa State Patrol’s Spencer office click our link state-patrol.
On Sept. 15, 2016 RTP received this anonymous phone call from a party claiming to be a family member of an undercover narc agent and he was upset. By the time I turned my recorder on he backed away from the ‘narc’ claim and said he was a family member of someone “on the list” that we’d published in the flyer above. I asked the patrol post commander in Spencer, Iowa to search his phone records (at significant expenses to RTP) for the day of this call and see if it originated from their office or a state issued cell phone used out of their office. He did and said his search came up with nothing. I then went to the patrol post and played this recording, below, for the top two command officers stationed at this post. I played it twice for them. Neither of them could recognize this voice.
Now let me ask, can you identify this voice? If so, call RTP @ Ph 712-758-3660 or email us at with any tip you may have. (Apologies for the blunt language I employed at one point, but I wanted to get his attention.)